The extendable goniometer has two metal arms, which can be extended from 31 to 80 cm. Measure the axis and the range of motion of large or small joints. The head can move 360 degrees and has three easily readable scales. The first scale with a white backg
Easily and accurately measure the skin sensitivity between two points. The strong measuring points have a vinyl coating which minimizes the influence of temperature and pain. Calibrates for accurate measurements and a simple reading scale.
Easily readable goniometer of North Coast Medical.
Of hard plastic material with a hinge at the right rotation point. To read per degree from 0 to 180 degrees. 10 x 5,5cm.
Of hard plastic material with a hinge at the right rotation point. To read per degree from 0 to 180 degrees. 10 x 5,5cm.
Goniometer with a built-in bubble level meter. The vertical and horizontal measuring levels are integrated into this Baseline® Hi-Res ™ (three-color) goniometer. Height 30.5 cm
Five piece set of five monofilament wires. Each with a different thickness for a given force in order to measure the degree of feeling. Including box.
Easily and accurately measure the skin sensitivity between two points. The strong measuring points have a vinyl coating which minimizes the influence of temperature and pain. Calibrates for accurate measurements and a simple reading scale.
Measure the circumference of a finger joint. The circumference can be set by the values at the end of the ribbon. Length 15 cm.
Goniometer of stainless steel. by 5 degrees to read. Turntable in flexion and extension read. 15 cm long.
Handy pack goniometer for determining angle measurements. 360 degrees in increments of two degrees. 18 cm long.
The angle measurement can be determined by the transparent plastic. 360 degrees in steps per grade and contains three afleesschaalverdelingen. Calibrated for use with the ISOM system. Height 20 cm.
Plastic goniometer degrees per second read. Turntable in flexion and extension read. 10 cm long and 180 degrees.
The Bubbl inclinometer is simple and easy to use for eg angular measurements on the back.